Event Description
All are welcome. Saturday, Sept. 7th, 9AM - 3PM; Door open at 8:30 AM. Watch Promo Video Here As Christ-followers, we have a beautiful invitation of letting God write our story and inviting Him into it! Because of the riches we have in Christ, we should be overflowing in love for one another. This weekend, we will explore the Spirit-led marriage that He designed and desires for each of us. The weekend’s topics include: Excelling in communication Developing a mission and vision for your marriage Working through conflict, and Intimacy that stems from seeing one another’s God-breathed significance! All of this guides us towards seeing one another through the eyes of the Creator, how to pray for, champion, and serve one another to have a marriage made in Heaven! ~ ~ ~ ~ Registration is $25/couple or $15/person. Walk-in’s are most welcome; but, as a walk-in, please bring your own lunch. Meals must be ordered by Sept. 2nd. After that date, you may go a local restaurant during the lunch hour or bring your own lunch. Childcare reservation is below. It’s available for toddlers - 3rd grade. (Please note, childcare registration closes Sept. 2nd.)CCF Lindale