Pray for Heath – Updates
For those who may have not heard, our beloved Youth Pastor Heath Stoner had a massive hemorrhagic stroke on Sunday afternoon, 4/23/2023, which resulted in lots of excess blood in the brain.
Regular updates are posted below. We ask that everyone pray for a miracle.
If you wish to help this precious family financially, there are several, non-tax-deductible options:
Financial gifts may be brought in or mailed to the church at Community Christian Fellowship (CCF), 15704 State Hwy 110 N, Lindale, TX 75771. (We are keeping an envelope of gift cash/checks and Pastor will hand-deliver to Alisa.)
You may go to any Texas Bank and Trust location and make a deposit into the Heath Stoner BENEFIT account.
Mail any checks to Texas Bank and Trust, PO Box 8, Lindale, TX 75771, Payee: FBO Heath Stoner.
Download Older Updates (4/23/23 – 4/07/24)
Update on Heath Feb. 15, 2025 Part 1: The Progress
That’s all for now, folks, I’ll share our biggest barriers & ways you can pray for us in the Part 2 update soon…
Speech therapy intensive update! 1/27/2025
For Heath to have increased comprehension and cognitive function/clarity/organization in his brain.
Heath Update: Monday, December 16
Soon, I hope to write a more personal post about some things I’ve been reflecting on—we’ll see if I can get to it. If not, then expect the next “Heath” update sometime in mid-January after our holiday adventures! Much love!
Thank you all for your continued prayers, love, and care . And here’s some pictures from this month (my girls
were both in their dear friend’s wedding this weekend! Congrats to Adie & Ian
Heath update: 10/11/2024
As always, we remain encouraged by your prayers, messages, and ongoing support in so many ways!!