A Worship and Prayer oriented Church in Lindale Texas.
Worship: Sunday @ 11:00 AM
15704 Highway 110 North Lindale TX, 75771
Community Christian Fellowship
We are a non-denominational, international, Jesus-following church located in Lindale Texas. None of the folks at CCF are perfect, but we’re here for the journey, so you’re sure to fit right in. We believe community and fellowship are key to a thriving Christian life, which is why we try to make plenty of opportunities for connections, on Sunday and throughout the week.
Our mission is to encourage and strengthen families and individuals to become imitators Of Christ through worship, prayer, discipleship and sharing God’s love. If you have time to read Our Story, you’ll find we aren’t your average church, with a deep ministry legacy in East Texas and across the globe. So come as you are and join us as we seek after Jesus.
Upcoming Events
Women’s Bible Study: Revelation
Young Adults Meeting
Men’s Morning Prayer
Youth Group
Our local church ministries in Lindale Texas
Partner Financially with CCF Lindale
We thank you for your faithfulness in giving and we seek to be good stewards of the funds entrusted to CCF. Choose where to give and whether you want to give once or make recurring donations.