Plan Your Visit

Don’t feel like you have to dress a certain way to fit it. When you start looking around you will see everything from suits to shorts, dresses to doo rags, and everything in between. We are more interested in who you are than what you are wearing. God looks at the heart and that’s good enough for us.
Sunday Schedule:
Childcare Drop-Off
9:45-11:00 AM
Adult Sunday Classes
9:45-10:45 AM
Youth Group
9:45-10:45 AM
Service Starts
11:00 AM

Park on the Grass
If you are new to Texas, it’s okay to park on the grass in a lot of places, and it’s true here. When you come in the main entrance from Highway 110, just find a nice comfortable chunk of grass on the south side of the building, to park your car on while you come on in and join us.
You can enter in the double glass doors of the main entrance, which is just about the middle of the largest brown building. As you enter, the worship center is on your right.
Childcare Drop-Off and Pick-Up
If you’re a visiting parent, we have free childcare and youth classes available for Sunday service.
For Nursery-4th grade, you’ll go to the tables in the fellowship hall for check-in (from 9:45 AM – 11:00 AM). You’ll receive a security stamp for pickup and a wireless pager in case your child needs you the service ends. Pickup is after service concludes.
For Middle School Youth (grades 5-6), Epic56 meets during the service upstairs in room 202 (starting at 11:00 AM).
High School Youth (grades 7-12) meet in the Edge Building at the far end of the parking lot for Sunday classes.

Come Ready to Worship and Fellowship
We are a community committed to worship, prayer, and doing life together. We’re one big family here to celebrate and delight in Jesus. The Sunday worship service begins at 11:00 AM, followed by a teaching, concluding in prayer.
To get the most out of CCF, we encourage you to plug-in to events during the week! There are frequent prayer meetings, Life Groups, Bible studies, and community events that you can join.
Got Questions?
You will be greeted by smiling East Texas faces and receive a warm welcome from folks on the hospitality team who are truly glad to see you. They will have name badges on, and when you see them, just tell them you are new and they will help you find your way around. If you have children, they can show you where to drop them off in our Kids’ area, which we call the KidzZone, or you are welcome to keep them with you in the service.
Learn About CCF’s Ministries
How you can serve and be served at CCF
CCF’s Senior Pastor, David Hickey, expresses his desire for our church to provide meaningful opportunities for prayer, worship, and the teachings of God’s word each week, whether through Sunday services, Adult Sunday Classes, Life Groups, Awana, prayer groups, and more.
Main Regular Schedule
Sunday Mornings:
- 9:45 AM – 10:45 AM: Adult Sunday Classes
- 9:45 AM – 10:45 AM: Toddler Classes & Kids Kindergarten-4th grade
- 9:45 AM – 10:45 AM: EDGE High School Classes (7th – 12th grade)
- 11:00 AM Epic56 Middle School (5th-6th grade)
- 11:00 AM: Main Service Starts
Wednesday Evenings:
- EDGE Youth Group: 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM (6:00 PM social time is open)
- AWANA: 6:15 PM – 8:00 PM