True Stories of Transformation
From our Church Family at CCF Lindale
God is at work in His people. Stories of transformation and encounter abound and CCF but seldom reach others in the busy information age. Read and be encouraged by true stories of life-changing transformation and divine encounters.
Steve Horvath Testimony
I was doing very good, enjoying my new church community along with the move to East Texas almost 1 1/2 years ago. I have had various health issues over the years, including 2 that were life threatening. But the one that had escaped me was kidney stones. I had heard horror stories for decades by everyone from construction workers to moms with children and I wanted no part of that.
On Sept 27 of this year I started experiencing stomach cramps that were becoming more painful as the day went on. By evening the pain started to diminish but was now in my lower left side of my back, so much so it became difficult to walk. After arriving at the closest ER in town I was quickly diagnosed with a 6mm kidney stone which was verified by a CT scan, I became extremely anxious and concerned about all the stories I had heard, so much so I stayed close to home. My wife had sent out a prayer request immediately and the pain did subside, but it returned the next week. On that weekend there was intercessory prayer by the CCF Healing team as well as the Shepherding class. By that afternoon the pain was gone. I was still curious if God had removed it, broke it to bits, or what! On Nov 11th the stone passed without pain.
I have always prayed for other people for whatever the issue might be, but I did not believe for myself re this dreaded issue. Through this experience I have greatly increased my trust and faith in what and how my Heavenly Father wants to accomplish His plans and purposes, and so thank Him that no screaming was involved in this blessed event!