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Celebrating The Resurrection is the cornerstone of our Christian faith. If we are not careful, you might think it’s slowly become just a holiday with a big bunny and empty calories. But, God has given us a treasure trove of truth that can be found in this season if you know where to look. Kids and parents, join us as we feast our eyes on what Jesus served at the last supper and sink our teeth into how much God has filled the Seder supper with; not just food and drink, but all kinds of history, meaning and so much more that all points to Jesus, the Rescuer.

Join us for a Passover Meal April 7, Good Friday, at 5:30pm, designed to be interactive for kindergarten through 6th grade and their parents. We will go through the meaning of the meal, worship, make crafts and play a few games to help kids understand and remember key points. Finally, we will eat and have communion to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. Cost is $3 per person. Register at the InfoCenter or quest.ccflindale.org.

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