CCF Small Group Gatherings
What Are “Life Groups”?
Life Groups take place through out the week in various locations, providing great opportunities to meet with the people you sit next to on Sundays, and do life together, building community walking through life with other believers. For more information on the available Life Groups throughout Smith, Van Zandt and Wood counties, contact the church office for more information, at 903-882-8501.
Get Connected to an Active Life Group!
Choose a group that works for your schedule and location.
Jim & Lisa Camomile
Friday 6:30-8:30 PM
Location: Near Hideaway
Don & Andrea Clark
2nd and 4th Sundays (6-8 PM)
Location: Van
Kay & Phil Tomkins
Wednesday (6:30–8:30 PM)
Location: Lindale
Tom & Mariela Sloan
Wednesday (6:30–8:30 PM)
Location: CCF Room N2
Craig & Carol Engelhardt
1st & 3rd Sundays (12:30 PM)
Location: CCF Room 114
Kelly & Katharina Grizzard
Wednesday (6:30–8:30 PM)
Location: Van
Jeff & Mary Siver
Monthly, 4th Sundays (After Service)
Location: CCF Room 114
Phil & Debi Belier
Weekly, Wed. (6:00-8:00 PM)
Location: Hideaway
Terry & Nina Howlett
1st & 3rd Sundays (6-8 PM)
Location: North Tyler
Jimmy & Mindy Osteen
Wednesday (7–8:30 PM)
Location: Lindale