Christian fellowship and outreach
Ministries at CCF
Main Ministry Areas
Adult Ministries
Men’s Ministry
Men’s Prayer Meeting Wednesdays @ 6:30am – 7:30am, Fellowship Hall Lock Arms With Other Men In Prayer The men’s prayer meeting started the day after 9/11 and has been going ever since. Meeting every Wednesday morning in the CCF Fellowship Hall to pray for the needs of our church body, community and beyond. Men’s Breakfast Every Second Saturday @ 8:00am, Fellowship Hall Come to the church on the
Women’s Ministry
CCF Women’s Ministries Thank you for your interest in the Women’s Ministries of CCF. For a quick look at what is coming up, view our calendar, and then take a look at some of the other opportunities on this page. We look forward to connecting with you. LuAnn Hickey Women’s Sunday Refresh Class Sundays 9:45am – 10:45am Room N2 (New North Buildings)
Sunday Classes
Sunday Classes meet every Sunday from 9:45am-10:45am. These 8-week classes are a place for the whole family to dive deeper into significant topics. We believe growing a heart of faith includes deepening our understanding of God’s truth. Come prepared to learn, discuss, and connect with Jesus. We encourage you to pick an area you want to grow in! Childcare & classes are available for toddler through 6th grade.
Life Groups
Life Groups take place through out the week in various locations, providing great opportunities to meet with the people you sit next to on Sundays, and do life together, building community walking through life with other believers. For more information on the available Life Groups throughout Smith, Van Zandt and Wood counties, contact the church office for more information, at 903-882-8501. JOIN A LIFE GROUP!
Children’s Ministries
Kidz Zone Nursery-Toddler
Our KIDZ ZONE team aims to cultivate children’s love for Jesus and active worship. We provide fun-filled classes that focus on teaching and hearing Bible stories each week. We combine that with crafts, games, and worship songs that are fun, engaging and age appropriate. We hope you and your kids will join us this Sunday!
CCF Awana Clubs
AWANA is a kid’s club that teaches the Bible in a fun way on the kids’ level. The mission of Awana is to help “churches and parents worldwide raise children and youth to know, love and serve Christ.”Club members will learn to memorize scripture and how to study God’s word on their own and ask God how they need to apply it in their life.
EPIC56 Middle School
Epic56 is our middle school ministry for 5th & 6th graders or “Tweens” as we like to call them! No they are not kids, nor are they teenagers, but just as the word implies they are in between at this formative age.That’s what EPIC56 is all about! Jesus Christ living in and through our tweens. Our 11:00 class will help tweens put “feet to their faith” while they grow as Christ-followers.
Youth & Young Adults
Edge Youth Group
The teenage years are a quest to find your identity. CCF’s youth leadership understands the nonstop flow of falsehoods and manipulation targeting young people’s identities. Edge exists as a safe place, rooted and established in Jesus, free from the noise and falsehood of the world. At Edge, all our work, teaching, and service is to reinforce this truth in the hearts and minds of the youth: your identity is in Jesus Christ.
Alive Young Adults Group
CCF ALIVE exists to be a safe, certain, and consistent place for young adults to grow into Christ likeness by cultivating a transformative and God-centered community. Our vision is for young adults to come alive as we engage with God, one another, and the world around us.