9:45 -10:45 AM
Jr. and Sr. High meet in the Edge building for Bible Study and hangout before main service.
6:30 – 8:30 PM
Jr. and Sr. High meet in the Edge building for Worship, Games, and Bible Teaching.
Summer Schedule
Download the latest calendar for Edge Summer events.
Why Edge Exists…
To relationally encourage and equip youth to joyfully grow into their identity in Christ.
The teenage years are a quest to find your identity. CCF’s youth leadership understands the nonstop flow of falsehoods and manipulation targeting young people’s identities. Edge exists as a safe place, rooted and established in Jesus, free from the noise and falsehood of the world. At Edge, all our work, teaching, and service is to reinforce this truth in the hearts and minds of the youth: your identity is in Jesus Christ.
Our Youth Ministry Model
Leading to Raise Leaders
When Jesus taught the disciples, He didn’t just lead, he taught them to be leaders. We are committed to mirroring that same discipleship method here at Edge. While the youth lead staff do set the foundation for leadership at Edge, their goal is to equip the youth to become leaders. The Youth Leadership Team (YLT) are sr. high youth who have made the commitment to serve and lead by example among their peers. Finally, there are adult volunteers and parents who assist in guiding and mentoring the students. Together, this forms a sustainable system of leadership and growth for generations of youth, now and to come.
Creating a Safe Space
Security and Safety Measures
Physical, emotional, and spiritual safety are priorities for us. The world is becoming an increasingly dangerous place for young people. It’s statistically proven that church youth groups are among the most targeted groups by predators, largely because churches do not establish even basic precautions. At Edge, we know the numbers and don’t shy away from the facts about youth group safety and security. We preform background checks on all volunteers. We maintain security cameras on the premises. We operate on a zero-tolerance basis for all violent or romantically inappropriate behavior.
Our Youth Lead Staff
Austin Roberts
Youth Pastoral Team Director
Daniel Camomile
Youth Pastoral Team Member
Bryn Neely
Youth Pastoral Team Member
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